Gene Shill + Porsche Campaign I Copywriting


Gene Shill creates new soundtrack for Porsche in collaboration with Apple Music.

For the launch of the Porsche Taycan down under, Porsche Cars Australia has teamed up with DJ Gene Shill to curate an Apple Music playlist featuring a selection of the country’s best electronic music.

Search for Sunset Drive on Apple Music’s playlists, and a selection of songs will appear, celebrating the launch of the Porsche Taycan in Australia. Alongside more than 30 tracks is a unique instrumental piece called TAYCAN, which was created by Shill and samples the drive unit of the all-electric sports car. “My aim was to create something sophisticated, progressive, modern, unique, and hopefully unprecedented – all that the Taycan encompasses,” explains the DJ.

‘Sunset Drive’ is the first locally curated playlist to be added to the global Porsche curator page on Apple Music. The playlist cover features the Taycan in front of the iconic Sydney Harbour Bridge and the Opera House.


+ Playlist Sunset Drive on Apple Music

+ Gene Shill / Amalfi Records

+ Porsche Media Release

Stay tuned for more on Gene Shill and his innovative immersive projects, coming soon to a space near you.